Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Update #4 - Heart of the City

Well I've been taking it pretty easy the past couple days. Trying to see all the famous places that Buenos Aires is known for. The nice thing is that I do it all by foot, so although you end up walking over 20km a day, you still get to absorb everything that the city has to offer. I'm now staying in the central part of the city that is just buzzing with activity. The population is so transient though. Cars are always going somewhere and people always have places to be. It really reminds me of Paris or Madrid maybe. Just these huge sections of concrete apartment towers, small shops and rough sidewalks. You really have to watch your footing! I've got a couple more spots to check out, but here are some snapshots from the past couple of days.

The famous obelisk in the center of Buenos Aires.

Avenue Nuevo de Julio. Largest avenue in the world btw, with 6 lanes going in each direction.

The bustling San Telmo market on Sunday.

Street vendor selling churros and sweet pastries.

San Telmo Market.

The Casa Roja.

Plaza de Mayo.

The obelisk in the distance. See what I mean about Paris!

Pretty impressive door near Florida Street.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dave -

    My name's Nate, and I just stumbled upon your blog while browsing here on blogger. I studied in Buenos Aires for 6 weeks last summer (about this time), and it's great to see some photos from the city again. Hopefully you make it to La Recoleta, the most amazing cemetary I have ever been to (which I'm sure you've heard of). The tombs are astounding, and I'm sure you could find many great pictures within its gates.

    Buenos Aires is an amazing city - keep enjoying the dulce de leche!
