Friday, July 31, 2009

Update #2 - Day in the life...

Here are some photos that describe a typical day in the life of an Argentinian press photographer. But first, I've been so lucky to have had to wear this nice vest for the past 4 days. Ha, I look like some inmate from a country jail.

As you'll see, shooting at this event was not easy. Especially today with all four arenas going at once. Angus, Hereford, Dairy and Horses were all being judged at the same time. The stands were packed and press were everywhere. Things got real heated when it was time to select a Grand Champion. All of the press photographers and videographers would flock to the scene. You literally had to squeeze your way in and try and avoid all the other lenses/bodies in your way. It was intense! I would try and get my camera anywhere it would fit. I think I even I took a shot through someone's legs at one point. Of course everything is complete chaos. Half of the press don't even know what an animal is supposed to look like so they're just taking snap shots, while the other half are anticipating the animal to walk into the right pose. All I know is you better fire off your shots because you don't have any time to waste. The wife of the American judge for the Herefords came up to me and said she counted over 100 press bodies in the show ring at one time. Talk about media frenzy. Anyways, here are a few of my shots from the day. Enjoy.

Some sort of Albino Argentinian horse.

A couple of big bull shows today. Here's one from the Angus show.

Full house as usual. Everyone's bundled up because it was cold today!

Sneaked over to the dairy show to get a few shots.

The Hereford lineup.

Just a handful of my compadres that I was hanging out with the past few days.

As you can tell, there are orange vests as far as you can see. Orange = press.

My Argentinian contact, Carlos, jumps in the air after wining the Grand Champion Angus Bull.

Carlos looks relieved and excited as the judge makes the official selection. It was a long day showing animals.

Here is the winning exhibitor for the Hereford bulls. He also looks pretty pumped.

He's soon swarmed by press for interviews.

Probably the best shot that I could make out of the huge media scrum.

Carlos and his family with the Grand Champion Angus Bull after a long day of showing.

Sometimes the best shots are when you least expect them. I was heading home when I stepped out of the doors of the main convention center and I saw this sky. I thought I might as well snap a picture up in the stands to show the beautiful evening as well as the historic arena where all the action took place.

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